Tuesday, November 26, 2013


When customizing your car, The Crew will allow you to tweak everything from your tires to your engine – but these options are about more than just statistics and performance. According to our creative director Julian Gerighty, the options presented to you in The Crew are there to help you establish an emotional connection between you and your car.
“The only car I’ve ever had was really not a great car, but I was attached to it. It was my space. I loved that car,” Gerighty told the UbiBlog. “It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t the greatest car in the world. It was my car. That’s something that’s very important to us.”

When bringing this idea to The Crew, our team worked hard to make sure that when you customize your car, you create a vehicle that’s distinctly yours. From its performance to its appearance, your car will feel like a machine that’s tailored specifically to you, giving you a chance to show off your personality and style when cruising through the U.S.

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