Monday, November 4, 2013

Crew Cut: Family Portrait Gangsters & Color Coordinated Pranksters

The DONZ Family Crew have hooked up a clever reinterpretation of GTAV Trailer 1 to highlight why they moved to Los Santos...


With Crews all over trying to find innovative ways to recruit members, many are turning to the tried and true power of propaganda film-making to show why their particular party is superior. The DONZ Family Crew's handiwork can be seen above, channeling Michael's narration from GTAV Trailer 1 to underscore their own Crew sentiment alongside some sweet sepia action. The LS VIGILANT3S (NAFC) Crew have distributed an inspiring sizzle reel of Team Deathmatch action that illustrates their squad's never-say-die spirit - where despite getting waxed in the early part of the clip, Commissioner codydaley comes back hard in the end racking up Kill Streaks, Power Plays and surviving Bounties all to the tune of AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill" to help turn it all up.
Meanwhile, the Blackharks (BLAK) Crew of Brazil have been using both Snapmatic and Instagram to spread their message, posting everything from solid propaganda posters to even real life custom t-shirts emblazoned with their logo as seen above. These guys seem to have a solid handle on the art of Crew branding.


After featuring the unabashedly zany 
Cyclop 9 (CC99) Crew in our last Crew CutHealing in God's Herb (HIGH) Crew Leader Dockhag let us know that they're no chopped liver in the hooliganism category. This new Crew is always into something - HIGH's turn-ons include hosting their own intra-Crew Halloween photo contest in their Crew page feed, engaging in the Dockhag-created meta-sport of knife jousting, in which two people go at it with knives exclusively at Los Santos Golf Club and just generally goofing around in their signature Sprunk-green.
Crew HIGH-jinks. Clockwise from top left: The HIGH Crew's family portrait up in the Blaine County hills; an exploding car does an #epicphotobomb on amoney365; and which one of these does not belong?
The HIGH Crew above were just one of many who delivered on our request to the community to send through their best Crew family portraits - below are some of the standouts this week and we'll aim to feature more in future Crew Cuts so long as you guys keep great ones coming. Shouts to Lem0n Pledge (NONO)The Devils Within (FEAR) Crewthe SOUTH PACIFIC MAFIA (SPMA) and the East Coast Syndicate (EAST) Crew.
Clockwise from top left: The Lem0n Pledge Crew toast it up; an amazingly composed shot of The Devils Within squad, looking poised to wreak havoc in choppers; The SOUTH PACIFIC MAFIA straight chilling at the top of Mt. Chiliad; and The East Coast Syndicate's motto is 'Professionals Only' and here Crew Leader JenSpz hosts a stylish networking party in all-white.

Keep sharing your most impressive Crew portraits with the Social Club community in Newswire comments and you can also send them our way to have a look via Mouthoff.
A big shout to Redditors worldwide who've long been Crew-believers ever since the launch of Max Payne 3. We know there's a whole bunch of Reddit community Crews that are maxed out to the 300-member limit with more seemingly created all the time. We're hoping to be able to raise the member cap for large Crews like yours and others soon so that you can increase your ranks.

Other squads have been parlaying their own Subreddits to great effect as well. Leader raccoooonzzzz, who formed the Los Mapaches (RACC) Crew, just a month ago, uses their Subreddit to promote everything from news to Crew unity and even the Los Mapaches Car Show. The inviting Free Hugs II (HUGS) Crew (a sequel to the maxed out Free Hugs I) use their Subreddit mainly for membership driving and as a forum for members to ask questions and connect with each other - clearly a smart means of expanding recruitment efforts.
The good old Ganja Outlaws continue to make noise with coordinated bike outings and sweet matching green Crew cars, This week, we close out with an excellent compilation from the Club of Champions (CROC1) Crew, together since August, these guys have certainly been getting into some madness in GTA Online - enjoy:

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