Thursday, November 21, 2013

Crew Cut: Lost and Found Motorcycle Clubs, IRL Crew Poses and More

 Crew Leader iXpertThief presents The SekC Army's original theme song and music video.
Not since The Sharks and The Jets have so many roving street Crews turned to theme music as part of their territorial skirmish M.O. iXpertThief, the rapping leader of The SekC Army (SEKC) Crew followed up his recent GTAV “Berserk” parody with a little Crew ditty called ‘Thug Life’ seen above that lays down what SEKC is all about, highlighting a taste of the squad’s affinity for and acumen with holdups, shoot outs, club debauchery and more.

Meanwhile, the Twelve Reasons 2 Die (TR2D) Crew prove that they're perfectly capable of connecting politics – ditto. Apparently big fans of GTA soundtrack alumnus Ghostface Killah and his most recent album which the Crew is named after, they’ve released an awesome Team Deathmatch highlight reel appropriately set to GFK’s "Murder Spree” – the Apollo Brown remix to boot. Watch it below to see TR2D display some crazy gun skills expertly showing off what happens when you neglect to protect ya neck with a few impressively successful knife sprees.
The TR2D Crew display more than twelve reasons to die in this murderous compilation.
Be on the lookout for some Crews known for terrorizing the freeways and avenues of Southern San Andreas possed-up on their Pegassi and Western 2-wheeled monsters.

The Snapmatic page of the Lost Angels MC (LAMC) Crew reveals to a close-knit group ready to set GTA Online ablaze. Some constructive criticism though guys - you might want to recruit a maid. Then there's the SC Brothers of Freedom (SCBF) Crew, who have put extra effort into getting their name out there. In addition to being quite active on Snapmatic, the gang have also created their own website where they post everything from Crew news to sanctioned allies to documented Crew excursions.
Motorcycle Club Crews. Clockwise from top left: The LAMC Crew live by the credo 'real men wear black'; LAMC most definitely breaking Binco store policy; A candid shot of the SCBF Crew in their posh clubhouse or a Ponsonbys ad?; SCBF Crew show that their colors don't run. 
Girls just want to have guns. When it comes to U-N-I-T-Y, the Boss Girls (GIRL) Crew seem to do it right. Having made the sweet voodoo queen Crew emblem illustration below, they're also planning to go above and beyond for the sisterhood by distributing sticker versions of the emblem to all 93 members. Slow clap. Any individuals of the XY persuasion looking to infiltrate their ranks might want to check that hope at the apartment buzzer as their strict recruitment policy requires you to leave a voice message for Leader nikkinade or Commissioner Thizzlers to ensure the integrity of their ladies-night policy.
From left: The Boss Girl Crew's latest emblem reps Santa Muerte; trying out some intentionally un-lady-like salutes; a nice vanity tag shown off in the GIRL Snapmatic collection by Crew Representative demidollz87.
We have to hand it to luikakiu of Hong Kong's zombie fight club (0414) Crew for bringing their Crew family portrait to life in the IRL Crew pose at the bottom left that they posted to Instagram - impressive coordination, fellas. Looking through their Snapmatic feed, this 15 person Crew seem to be having a grand ol' time:
Bookending their emblem, the zombie fight club Crew in the ultimate IRL family portrait on the left; face painting the town on the right.
Check out the corporate style swine vibe of the Gunz of Patriots (GOPS) Crew below. While their Crew motto reads "Kill them all," perusing their Snapmatic page we found a squad truly living it up:
The Gunz of Patriots (GOPS) Crew channel Generation Swine-era CrüeGOPS' stark and artful logo; Babe Watch.
Abominable Cupcakes (CAKE) Crew Leader LadyGamer101 got into some Halloween mischief recently withthis free roam vid filled with deadly tricks and treats. Currently looking for new members, this confectionary clique touts that they 'stay FROSTED and the rest get iced!' and seeks quality over quantity in their ranks. The Sea Haven (SHC1) Crew have been quite busy on their YouTube channel. In addition to this grandiose Crew trailer, these guys have been posting action-packed missions with a side ofextracurricular hi-jinksThen there's the ostensibly peace-loving maxmoefoegames, Leader of the Love and Sunshine (LOVE) Crew, whose motto is 'appreciate and love one another' and has come up with aclever way to test the true LOVE of his fellow Crew members.

The Ganja Outlaws (WEED) Crew yet again impress with their inventiveness and unpredictability, this week making a Crew Cut appearance with this awesome and irie color-coordinated family photo.

Having featured the zany HIGH and Cyclop 9 Crews over the last couple of weeks, we heard from Commissioner Mike921 of the Shine Thugz (THUG) Crew, who reminded us that they're no slouches in the shenanigans department. Crew Cut veterans previously featured last year with a bronze medal honor in our Max Payne 3 Olympic Efforts feature, they pride themselves as a "first French team" with a genuine joie de vivre. Peep the Fight Club-inspired bit of cinéma vérité they sent to us below which opens with a Crew cruise around to some 'Pac (clearly an inspiration) and segues to relentless, brutal melee action and some vehicular mayhem in their customized yellow Vapid Bullet.

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